Online event “Open Talk with Mychailo Wynnyckyj” (02.11.2023, online)

On 2 November 2023, the NGO Progresylni organised the online event “Open Talk with Mychailo Wynnyckyj”, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, responsible for higher education, Member of Erasmus+ HERE Team.

About 333 representatives of education sphere joined the event actively communicating with the speaker on common issues and challenges.

The main points of the meeting were the following:

  • there are no secret conspiracies against higher education;
  • the reforms have been planned and have been underway since 2014, and are now proceeding at a faster pace;
  • the strongest among the higher education institutions will remain, and the weaker ones will be merged with them;
  • Due to demographic factors, the number of school graduates has almost halved and, accordingly, the number of HEIs staff is no longer needed;
  • instead of the usual tuition budget, it is planned to introduce grant funding or co-financing next year, which will be support for about 40% of students in the current situation;
  • instead of part-time education, there will be distance format, which will still be transformed.
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